1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca


Event/Project/Research Funding

This grant stream is available for groups and individuals undertaking events, projects or research which support APIRG’s mandate and contribute to positive social change. Grants are available up to a maximum of $2000. Some examples of past grant recipients include speaker or workshop series, publishable academic or journalistic research, and community events.

Please read Event/Project/Research Funding Info for eligibility details, stipulations and funding priorities.



Application Process

A complete application consists of three parts: 1) the application, 2) a full budget, and 3) a budget worksheet outlining which costs you wish covered by APIRG. The APIRG staff are happy to consult with you before you begin an application, or while it is in progress.

  1. Contact the Outreach Coordinator at outreach@apirg.org with any questions about your eligibility or application.
  2. Read our Language and Anti-Oppression document to help you write a strong application.
  3. Complete the application form.
    1. The application form questions can be viewed as a pdf here.
  4. Attach a full budget for your event when prompted in the form.
  5. Attach the Budget Worksheet when prompted in the form.
    1. To create an editable version of the Budget Worksheet, open the document in Google Sheets. From there navigate to the “File” menu option on the upper left section of the toolbar. A dropdown menu will emerge. Click “Make a copy”. The copy of the Budget Spreadsheet is now yours to edit!
    2. If you prefer to use Excel you may download a copy of the Budget Worksheet as a .xlsx file. To do this, navigate to the “File” menu option on the upper left section of the toolbar in Google Sheets. A dropdown menu will appear. Click “Download” and in the next dropdown menu that appears click “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”. You have now downloaded a Budget Spreadsheet as a Microsoft Excel file!
  6. We will notify you of our decision within 4-6 weeks of the funding deadline

If you have questions about any part of the application process, please contact the Outreach Coordinator at outreach@apirg.org. If any part of this process is inaccessible or difficult for you (reading, writing, budgeting, etc) we would be glad to help!



When should I apply?


We approve Event/Project/Research Funding applications in two rounds; Fall and Winter.

Applications for projects happening after November 15th should be submitted in the Fall Funding Round. The Fall Funding Round application form opens on September 12th and the application deadline is October 14th, 2024. We will notify applicants of our decision by mid-November.

Applications for projects happening after March 15th should be submitted in the Winter Funding Round. The Winter Funding Round application form opens on January 6, 2025 and the application deadline is February 3, 2025. We will notify applicants of our decision by mid-March.

If you’re unsure when to apply, email outreach@apirg.org and we’ll talk about it!