1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Volunteering with APIRG

APIRG’s volunteer positions are designed to allow volunteers to develop skills, build relationships, and participate as much or as little as they like. Volunteers work on committees and are actively engaged in decision-making for all projects. Students and non-students alike are welcome!

All volunteers receive orientation. Until it is safe to gather again, all committee meetings and activities will be happening remotely.

 Why volunteer with APIRG? 


– Build skills in a variety of areas – outreach, print design and editing, library and archive management, social media management – grounded in an anti-oppressive politic

– Work with a diverse group of students and community members interested in social and environmental justice in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment

– Have access to trainings and workshops such as anti-oppression training, consensus decision-making, accessible event planning, outreach and media training, etc.

– Have a voice in APIRG programming, policy and practices, and work on projects your care about!

– Develop your skills and experience as a community organizer

– Get job and volunteer references from APIRG staff after 10 hours of volunteering

– Free APIRG swag & volunteer appreciation gifts


Current Volunteer Committees: 


Library Committee: collectively manages the intake of new books & ebooks, cataloguing, outreach, policy, etc for the APIRG Library. Members get access to trainings and workshops on community libraries, archives, information politics, and more!

Time commitment: 4 – 16 hours per month. 


Meme Analysis and Creation Committee: run via the ‘Close Friends list’ on the APIRG instagram page, this committee discusses and selects the finest content for public display. At the same time, we hone our political analysis and communication skills!

Time commitment: 1 hour per month. 


Outreach Team: Represent APIRG on campus and in the community, and work on outreach strategies for reaching the diverse student body!

Time commitment: Flexible – 1+ hours per month


APIRG Almanac Collective: This committee will create and curate content for the APIRG Almanac, including art, writing, community resources and anything else we like! Only active from May – October 2021.

Time commitment: 3 – 10 hours per month.