Opting Out
The Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG) is a student-run, student-funded, non-profit organization dedicated to research, education, advocacy, and action in the public interest. APIRG exists to provide students with resources to be active citizens.
Every year APIRG provides over $50,000 in direct grants, in addition to in-kind services, support and training to student Working Groups, projects and events. We also maintain an office and resource centre at 9111 HUB Mall, which is open to all APIRG members.
All of this is made possible by undergraduate students like you, who pay $3.98 (full time) or $1.99 (part time) per term to help students turn their ideas and projects into reality. This is collected as a portion of Students’ Union fees each semester. The APIRG levy was instituted by the Students’ Union after a successful student referendum in 2001.
Opt-Out Periods
Fall Semester: September 1 – 30
Winter Semester: January 1 – 31
Students cannot opt out or access the opt-out form outside of these dates. Students can only opt-out for the current semester. APIRG does not have a levy for Spring or Summer terms.
Opt Out Instructions
The APIRG dedicated fee is $3.50 (full time) or $1.75 (part time) per term for the Fall and Winter Semesters.
To have this fee refunded, visit the Students’ Union opt-out page at https://www.su.ualberta.ca/about/budgetsfees/optouts/
Your fee will be credited to your OneCard account by the Students’ Union upon confirmation of your prior payment of the fee, within 30 days of the end of the opt-out period.
APIRG does not administer direct refunds or process in-office opt-out requests any longer as per a new Students’ Union bylaw provision mandating all dedicated fee opt-out processes be administered online.
Please note you will not be able to vote in APIRG’s elections, participate on the board or access APIRG resources if you opt out.