1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

APIRG maintains a small, free library of books, periodicals and zines on all things social & environmental justice. We focus on sourcing texts that are hard to get ahold of elsewhere, from independent and marginalized creators. The APIRG library exists to provide support and inspiration for your political education. The library is run by a collective of student & community volunteers. Anyone can borrow a book and you’ll never pay a late fee!


Good news for rad readers! While our physical library is closed, the APIRG Library Committee will be offering: 

  1. home delivery and pick-up of our books
  2. easy ebook lending


Here’s how to do it: 

  1. Check out apirg.libib.com! Browse by tag, search for titles, or scroll through our 300+ books in alphabetical order. 
  2. Check the book description.
    1. If it says it’s an ebook: email library@apirg.org with the book title!  
    2. If it DOES NOT say it’s an ebook: email library@apirg.org with the book title & your address! 
  3. A member of our Library Committee will contact you by email to get you access to the book. 


Got a book to request? 

Email library@apirg.org and we’ll add it to our list for review.

Want to get involved with the library? 

Email outreach@apirg.org about our next volunteer orientation!

Follow @apirg.library on instagram to keep up with new books available, reviews & more!

Please note – our zines are not available for borrowing, but you can read them in the office and if you want one we can copy it for you. Zine donations are welcome! We also have a photocopier and stapler that members can use to make new zines, drop by the office and talk to us!