1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

In-Kind Services

APIRG recognizes that funding is only part of the support that people need in order to make their projects happen. Mentorship, training, resources and supplies are also needed! Whether you are a current APIRG funding recipient or not, we will do our best to make all of the following services available to folks working on research, education and action in the public interest. Even more in-kind services are available to funding recipients, as per each individual funding agreement!

For more information on accessing the following, please get in touch with your APIRG contact or email us at apirg@ualberta.ca.

  • a button maker ($0.35 per button to cover materials) 
  • small-batch photocopying services
  • on and off-campus networking and outreach opportunities
  • a resource library including books, magazines, zines and video
  • assistance recruiting volunteers and promoting events
  • advice & support in project development, facilitation and reflection
  • support with financial tracking etc.
  • support in grant-writing
  • virtual group training on anti-oppression theory/praxis
  • virtual group training on consensus-based decision-making
  • virtual group training on accessible event planning

*please note that while we no longer offer sound equipment rentals, groups are encouraged to apply for microgrant funding to rent sound equipment for their events.*