1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Microgrant Funding

Grants of $150 are available to undergrad students (who are not accessing other APIRG funding) to support small events and increase accessibility for their projects and events. Use it to pay for captioning services, translation, printing, food, childcare, transportation costs, etc!

This grant can be accessed at anytime – there are no deadlines!


Some examples of how this funding has been used include:

  1. The Women’s Law Forum accessed $100 to cover food for participants when they booked a workshop with APIRG staff.
  2. A student organized a hygiene product drive for the Campus Food Bank and accessed the microgrant to pay for printing and supplies.
  3. A student group organized a workshop series on anti-racism and accessed the microgrant to pay for food, bus tickets and workshop supplies.

Please read Microgrant Funding Info for eligibility details, stipulations and funding priorities.


Application Process

  1. Determine if your event/project/research meets APIRG’s funding mandate, outlined in the document linked above.
  2. Read our Language and Anti-Oppression document to help you write a strong application.
  3. Complete the short application form.
  4. The Outreach Coordinator may contact you for a brief interview, if more information is required.
  5. You will be contacted within 3 weeks of the application deadline with our decision.

If you have questions about any part of the application process, please contact Salem (salem@apirg.org). If any part of this process is inaccessible or difficult for you (reading, writing, budgeting, etc) we would be glad to help!