1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Am I an APIRG member?

If you are a full-time or part-time undergraduate University of Alberta student and you have not opted out of the APIRG DFU, you are an APIRG member! Graduate students and the general public are also eligible to become an APIRG member for a $5 fee on an annual basis.

Is the fee mandatory?

The APIRG DFU is optional. The fee for the 2021/2022 academic year is $3.80 per term per full-time student and $1.90 per part-time student. Students have the option to opt out through the SU website at the beginning of each term and receive a full refund of their fee.

What can APIRG do for me?

APIRG offers a number of services and resources for students including funding for student groups as well as student-led projects and events, workshops and training, access to a free alternative resource library featuring hard to find texts, grant writing support, and meaningful volunteer opportunities.

How does APIRG operate?

APIRG is a student-run, student-funded, non-profit organization. The APIRG Board of Directors is the governing body of APIRG. Three part-time staff members facilitate the day-to-day operations of APIRG.

How long has APIRG existed?

APIRG was founded by a student campaign in 2001 and has been operational on campus at the University of Alberta since 2002. Every 5 years, the student body affirms that they want a campus PIRG through a SU referendum vote.

What is a PIRG?

Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) are campus-based, student-led organizations that connect students to community politics, research, and organizing. You can find PIRGs at universities across Canada and the US.

Feel free to contact us at apirg@ualberta.ca with any questions!