1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Untying the Knot- A group of like-minded racialized community members in Edmonton meeting on a regular basis to -engage with and challenge- the ‘knots’ that form inside our minds, hearts and guts as we navigate micro & macro aggressions and seek solidarity amid complexity. We hope to continue to build resilient anti-colonial community locally, acknowledging our work and positions within such a community are diverse.

This programming is brought to you by Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG): application access here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11LG1kvMfrM52qtKejAXdurfa4mQTPYnNCmW2WiwzBYE/viewform?usp=send_form

Main Objectives:

1. An opportunity to cultivate/facilitate discussions around complex ideas.
2. Challenging our expectations of what is knowledge/ knowing.
3. Engaging within community that is continuous and reflexive.

Logistics/ Minimum expectations:
3 meet-ups monthly- by completing this application you agree to attend AT LEAST 2 sessions per month.
Session dates will be scheduled around accepted participants.

*No Experience is needed to participate*

Trigger Warning:
In order to share our stories we must feel free to share our vulnerabilities, there will be hard discussions around our lived realities. This is an overall content warning.

“And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed.” – Khalil Gibran
Nav Kaur

Nav is a anti-colonial Sikh feminist completing her Masters in Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta. Nav is passionate about cultivating discussions around power and movement building within the colonial diaspora. She has opened daycares, been an army cadet and a sorority sister.