1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

University of Alberta Council of Canadians

The University of Alberta Council of Canadians is a student group, working group of APIRG and chapter of The Council of Canadians.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Winter 2011

The University of Alberta Council of Canadians is a student group, working group of APIRG and chapter of The Council of Canadians. Started with the frustration about the state of our government and hope that change is possible, we take a stand on important political, social, economic, environmental and cultural issues.

COCUA’s focuses include stopping the potential of CETA, the implementation of Water Markets and challenging the destructive Tar Sands. In addition, we would like to raise awareness about the mass arrests during the G8/G20 Summit in Toronto, June 2010. However, our mandate is broad and based off of The Council of Canadians‘ and so our members drive what we do.

APIRG Working Group from Winter 2008 – Winter 2011