1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

U of A Council of Canadians’ Water Initiative

Canadian Council For Refugees (CCR)- Youth Network Edmonton is a group of community members and newcomer youth who are concerned about the systematic barriers that newcomers and refugees face.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Fall 2013

The U of A Council of Canadians’ Water Initiative is a group that brings together students and community members to provide a resource for individuals and student groups seeking to use water more responsibly, and to advocate for environmental justice.  We strive to encourage sustainable attitudes towards water practices and usage amongst faculty, staff, and students at the U of A by hosting and promoting “Blue” events and gatherings  We hope to building working relationships with both student and community groups by offering services and information that enables groups to host “bottled water-free” events and encouraging the use and protection of tap water on campus and beyond.