1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

South Sudanese Youth of Edmonton

The South Sudanese Youth of Edmonton (SSYEG) is a group that aims to connect and empower South Sudanese youth (SSY) across the Edmonton region.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Winter 2020

The South Sudanese Youth of Edmonton (SSYEG) is a group that is aspiring to connect and empower South Sudanese youth (SSY) across the Edmonton region. By engaging youth in a series of workshops, events and volunteer opportunities. In addition SSYEG focuses on the integration of newcomers into Canadian society and assists in maintaining their unique ethnic heritage and culture. Furthermore, SSYEG strives to connect Edmonton based SSY to other active SSY groups across the country.

Facebook: South Sudanese Youth of Edmonton- SSYEG || Instagram: @ssyedmonton