1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Shades of Colour

Shades of Colour is a group of QTIBPOCs making spaces for other QTIBPOCs to fill the gaps within community that affirm our experiences and identity and move towards strengthening healthy multi-generational relationships that are needed and strive to provide ongoing support for individuals who are struggling with their experiences and identities, and facilitate open and honest discussions.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Fall 2018, Fall 2019

Shades of Colour is a group co-run and facilitated by Rohan, Nicole and Victoria. SoC hosts meet-ups (roughly) every two weeks at various locations and cafes around the city for QTBIPOCs (Queer and Trans, Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour) and ask that this remains a closed space for this community.

They are QTIBPOCs making spaces for other QTIBPOCs who need this safe spaces to breathe. They hope that this will help to fill the gaps within community that affirm our experiences and identity and move towards strengthening healthy multi-generational relationships that are needed and strive to provide ongoing support for individuals who are struggling with their experiences and identities, and facilitate open and honest discussions.

Facebook: Shades of Colour Community YEG || Instagram: @shadesofcolouryeg