1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Queer Scouts

Queer Scouts is a prairie-based leadership program for queer and trans youth between the ages of 14 and 24. With a focus on solidarity and intergenerational mentorship, we empower young LGBTQ2S+ leaders with the skills to organize for social justice in their communities.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Winter 2019

Queer Scouts is a prairie-based leadership program for queer and trans youth between the ages of 14 and 24. With a focus on solidarity and intergenerational mentorship, we empower young LGBTQ2S+ leaders with the skills to organize for social justice in their communities.

Queer Scouts is an initiative of the Prairie Youth Radical Organizing School (PYROS), a coalition of social justice, labour, and faith-based organizations that provides young people on the prairies with the tools to challenge injustice in their schools and communities through collective action. The Queer Scout program hosts an annual summer camp for LGBTQ2S+ youth between the ages of 14-24 in late July, and launched it’s cohort leadership program in the Fall of 2018.