1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Future Librarians for Intellectual Freedom

Future Librarians for Intellectual Freedom (FLIF) is a University of Alberta student group that has actively opposed censorship and advocated for freedom of expression since 2004.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Winter 2021

Future Librarians for Intellectual Freedom (FLIF) is a group of Library and Information Studies students who are interested in promoting intellectual freedom and social responsibility. They believe that issues concerning censorship, freedom of expression, and social justice go hand-in- hand, and hope that through information updates and direct action, they will be able to emphasize the importance of intellectual freedom and social responsibility in the personal and professional lives of our readers and our communities.

Learn more at: https://flifualberta.wordpress.com

Working Group from: Winter 2011 – 2022