1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Canadian Council for Refugees Youth Network Edmonton

Canadian Council For Refugees (CCR)- Youth Network Edmonton is a group of community members and newcomer youth who are concerned about the systematic barriers that newcomers and refugees face.

    • APIRG Working Groups, Winter 2011

Canadian Council For Refugees (CCR)- Youth Network Edmonton is a group of community members and newcomer youth who are concerned about the systematic barriers that newcomers and refugees face. We advocate for immigrant and refugee rights, empower them by working with the community to raise awareness about their issues, and together find ways to address those issues.  We are committed to working within an anti-oppression framework where we recognize that people face oppressive experiences because of unequal power related to peoples’ identities and circumstances.

We are part of the CCR Youth Network, a coalition of newcomer youth and allies from across Canada.