1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Event and Volunteer Listings

APIRG’S event and volunteer listings are on tumblr.

Job/Volunteer Listings:  http://apirg-job-volunteer.tumblr.com/

This list is used to announce employment and volunteer opportunities both in Edmonton and beyond.


Event Listings: http://apirg-events.tumblr.com/

This list is a collection of on- and off-campus events and announcements that we feel are relevant to the APIRG community.


You can submit your job, volunteer position or events on our tumblr!

Job/Volunteer Listing Submission: http://apirg-job-volunteer.tumblr.com/submit

Event Listing Submission: http://apirg-events.tumblr.com/submit


Also if you want to stay in the loop about what we are thinking and talking about at APIRG, follow our general tumblr: apirg.tumblr.com