1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca



Its that time of year again when APIRG throws you all a party. A party that just happens to involve a meeting! 2 for 1!!!!

Basic Details:
October 17 at 6:30 pm
Old Arts Lounge in Convocation Hall, UofA North Campus
Everyone Welcome, Wheelchair Accesible

Because we know you all are AMAZING, our theme this year is Show Us Your Inner Superhero – so come dressed up as your favourite superhero! We will be documenting the event if you want to get your photo taken at the event.

In addition to food, good company, costumes and music, APIRG will also being sharing our financial information and what has gone on at the PIRG over the last year.

cause accessibility is essential to what we do here at APIRG, we will be using the physically accessible entrance

APIRG is located on Indigenous Territories and explicitly acknowledges that as we work towards identifying, challenging, and addressing intersections of oppression, it is critical to confront the ongoing practices of colonization of indigenous peoples and the land on which we live