1(587)408-6662 apirg@ualberta.ca

Edmonton Mood Disorder Society

It is no secret that there is a lack of community based resources for people dealing with a spectrum of mental health issues; furthermore, those that do exist are often not adequately supported and are underfunded. We are a mental health peer support group for people...

Campus Sustainability Coalition

Our mission is to transform the University of Alberta into a participating member of a sustainable society. Through a partnership among students, faculty, staff, and community members, we are promoting excellence and leadership in education, innovation, and...

Voices for Choices

Voices for Choices is a non-hierarchical, collective group of individuals who are working to establish and promote a pro-choice, sex and queer-positive, as well as woman-friendly presence on and around the University of Alberta campus and the City of Edmonton.

Stand With Fort Chipewyan

Stand with Fort Chipewyan (SWFC) is a non-partisan, campus advocacy organization based out of the University of Alberta. We are dedicated to raising awareness to the concerns expressed by the people of Fort Chipewyan, as well as lobbying the government to engage in...