FREE, drop-in event.
This week’s topic is exploring mutual aid, community care and getting to know the people we are in community with. We don’t often get to choose who we live next to. However, we do have the choice of how we interact with those around us. By starting to connect with our neighbours, we can build relational skills and a network that will keep us safe throughout these uncertain times.
Questions we’ll explore:
Instead of gathering around one book or resource, we ask you to share an item of media that pertains to this month’s topic. No resource is too small, weird, or niche to be shared. Whatever it is, whether it is a book, a tik tok, a zine, an article, or a clip from a reality show, we want to see it.
All U of A students and community members are welcome. We are providing a space where you can exchange thoughts and resources with others. As a social justice and anti-oppression based organization, our intention is to create an inclusive space for learning and community building.
Join us at APIRG’s office on February 10th to talk, listen, and share your thoughts & resources. Our office is located at 9111 HUB Mall.
Can’t make it this month? Worry not! Monday Media Club is a recurring event that will be held throughout the semester – come join us March 10th and April 7th!